Monday, July 13, 2015

Ramadan 2015 Day 26 - Sambal Goreng

Sambal goreng is actually a medley of potato, tofu, string beans, carrots, tempe and some dried hot chili peppers. I also added some rice stick noodle or suhun to the dish.

This dish is nice to be eaten with cube white rice or ketupat. It can also be eaten just like that.

Slice the string beans at an angle thinly. Set aside.
Slice carrots thinly. Set aside.
Cut potato thinly. Deep fry and set aside.
Cut extra firm tofu the same size as the potato. Deep fry and set aside.
Cut tempe the same size as the potato. Deep fry and set it aside.
Soak rice noodle or suhun. 1 cup.
1 stick of lemon grass.
1 inch of galangal (lengkuas).
1 tablespoon of dried shrimp.
1 can of lite coconut milk.
1 tablespoon of salt.
3 pieces dried hot pepper. Cut it thinly at an angle.
1 onion. diced.
1 tablespoon of chopped garlic.
2 tablespoon olive oil.
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger.

In a big pan, heat olive oil. Fry onion, garlic, and ginger until brown.
Add dried shrimp. Fry a little bit more and then add coconut milk.
Add salt to taste. Let it bubble.
Add string beans and carrot. Mix well until string beans softer.
Add fried potato, fried tofu, fried tempe, Mix everything well.
Let the coconut milk reduced.
Add sliced red hot pepper.
Lastly add the rice noddle.
Mix everything well and let it cook until all the coconut milk is dry.


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