Thursday, July 02, 2015

Ramadan 2015 Day 15 - Tapioca Tray Cake

Talam Ubi or in other name is called as Gertuk is one of my favorite dessert. The tray cake is so easy to make. For this recipe I am using about 5 lb of tapioca that has been cleaned.
For the toppings, I am using sweetened coconut flakes cooked in a cup of dark brown sugar, 1 cup of water, a few drops of pandan flavor and 4 tablespoons of tapioca flour.

Firstly, boil the tapioca in water and a tablespoon of salt until softened.
Drain and remove the center vein if any.
Mashed the yucca or tapioca with 2 cups of sweetened coconut flakes.
Flattened the tapioca evenly in a tray.
Set aside.

In a big pan, boil 1 cup of water and dissolve about 2 cups of dark brown sugar.
Add 6 cups of shredded sweetened coconut flakes.
Stir well.
Add tapioca flour and combine well.
Cook for about 5 minutes or until the water evaporated.
Turn off the stove.
Scoop the coconut and spread evenly onto the tapioca tray.
Using a plastic glove, press the coconut until smooth.
Let it cool completely before cutting into squares.


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