Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

While on the phone talking to my friend about everything under the sun, I whip up a yellow cupcake. I am using cream cheese frosting.
The mixture for the frosting is simple. They are as follows:

1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
1 cup soft cream cheese
1/3 stick butter
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract

As for the cupcake, I am using ready to use yellow cupcake mix. I add 2 eggs, 2 tablespoon olive oil and 1/2 cup water.
Bake in the oven at 350 degree F for about 20 minutes.



  1. Hi Zue. How are you, long time no hear and thx for dropping by. Wow, so cute cup cakes and nice for the Valentine gift.

  2. Yati, nasib baik dah masak cupcake dulu. Dinner start kul 10 malam coz mupy masak special steak ngan crab meat stuffing on portabella mushroom. I sempat dengkur few rounds.

  3. Roz, ya dah lama kita tak contact kan. I selalu tengok jer site you tapi jarang comment.
