Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kuey Teow

I fry this kue teow or also known as flat rice noodle for dinner last night. This is the best recipe I cook so far for this dish.
1 packet of flat rice noodle ( get it from the asian store).
2 packets of assorted fish cake and fish balls.
1 cup stewed tomato.(drained and diced)
1 packet of Indo Sambal Nasi Goreng Pedas (from Asian store).
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tablespoon light soy sauce
2 tablespoon olive oil to fry.
3 spring or green onions.
5 bunches chives
1. Cut the flat sheet rice noodle into 1/2 inch strips. Wash and set aside.
2. In a big skillet or wok, heat olive oil on medium.
3. Cook the fish balls and fish cakes for 2 minutes.
4. Add the Indo Sambal Goreng Pedas paste.
5. Add chives and spring onion (cut them about 1/2 inch length).
6. Add Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce.
7. Cook for about 5 minutes.
8. Add kue teow ( rice noodle)
9. Stir slowly for another 3 minutes.
10. Add drained and diced stewed tomato.
11. Cook until kue teow is soft and stewed tomato incorporate nicely into the dish. Maybe for 5 minutes.
Turn off the stove and serve warm.
