Sunday, January 18, 2009

Scramble Egg, Turkey Sausage and French Toast

Everytime honey and I go out for breakfast, we usually would order a scramble egg with toasts. We would ask the server to make sure that our scramble eggs is soft and not hard. There are restaurant that never fulfill our request and that just spoiled our morning. Often, I decided to cook our own scramble egg at home. After several time of practice, I have develop my own style making the scramble egg with turkey sausages and french toast. I will cook everything in order and still keep the warmth of the toast and the turkey sausages without having my scramble egg hardened.

The first step in preparing this delicious and heart healthy breakfast meal is to cook the french toast and keep it warm in the toaster oven. Firstly, you turn the toaster oven once. Then let it off automatically. Leave the French toasts in there until you are about to serve.
Using the same pan, cook the turkey sausage and set it aside in the toaster oven. You could either cook the turkey sausage on the pan for about 1 minute on medium high heat or 1 minute in the microwave.
Run hot water on the pan and then wipe the pan clean with paper towel. We are ready to cook our scramble egg.
Crack open 2 eggs (1 serving). Crushed in salt and black pepper. Whisk it ligtly.
On the stove, heat the pan, I am using the non stick pan on medium high. Melt 2 tablespoon butter.

Swirl the butter around to cover the pan.

Then pour in the eggs.

Stir the eggs gently.

Once the egg start to scramble, turn off the stove. Set the pan aside but keep stirring the egg.
We are ready to serve this dish.
You can still used the same method when making the meal in a big batch. Keep your food to stay warm in the oven until you are about to serve them.

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